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Monday, November 10, 2014

Fun Fly Zone Air Venture 2014 Experimenter Magazine pictures

Just was looking at the October 2014 Experimenter Magazine and found this, we made it into the picture section of the Fun Fly Zone 2014.  It was a great time and really enjoyed it. 

Two Legal Eagle Ultralights to fly

Sunday was a beautiful day, sort of hazy but very smooth and in the evening about 1 hour before sunset got to fly both Eagles.  The Yellow one has fuel tank in wing and is much more stable, for stable fans, than the red. Hands off flying shows above 2950 nose comes up slightly and it wants to climb and below 2900 the nose lowers.  Still a little rigging to do because hands off requires a tiny bit of left rudder or it rolls right.  The long wings work much better with the end plates not installed.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Flying with no specific point in mind.

I love to fly the Legal Eagle Ultralight, designed by Leonard Milholland.  It is a great flying machine, best described as a slow Cub.  Flies and handles like a standard light airplane.  The pictures are a scattering of some of my flying this year.